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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Midterm Requirement

Class, I have already uploaded the file for your midterm requirements.
 Pass it on or before February 18, 2010. Submit the hard copy and e-mail a soft copy to

Here are the links:
List of Corporate Scandals
The Format

Instruction: With a partner, choose only one Corporate scandal and submit a written report.
The copy of the format is also uploaded.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Exam Pointers

Here are the pointers my dear students

Type of Exam
a. Identification
b. Spot the Difference
c. Enumeration
d. Essay

Topics include
a.) The Free-Market View and the Consumer-Protection View
b.) Opt in  and Opt out Policy
c.) Freedom from Intrusion and Surveillance
d.)Negative and Positive Rights
e.) Encryption and Cryptography
f.) Privacy
g.) Commandments of Computer Ethics
h.)Echelon and Carnivore

Good Luck and happy new year..