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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Student Code of Ethical Behavior

Promote Honesty and Integrity
  • Pursue academic goals with the highest standard of honesty and integrity while enhancing our personal reputations and that of the Lubar School of Business.
  • Take responsibility for our learning and hold ourselves accountable for our own actions.
  • Develop and covet integrity and ethical behavior in the classroom, on campus, and in the community while maintaining professionalism at all times.
Foster Respect and Team Work
  • Embrace common drive, purpose, and positive relationships among students, faculty, and staff.
  • Cultivate community and teamwork by respecting the    views of others.
  • Uphold the principle of fair play and be vigilant against conduct which has the intent, capability, or effect of being deceptive or dishonest.
Develop Leadership
  • Demonstrate exceptionally high moral and ethical standards for others to follow.
  • Foster the courage to confront all forms of unethical behavior.
  • Practice principles of continuous improvement in academics, interactions with others, and professional goals.

Copy from:
-Established by the Students of the
Sheldon B. Lubar School
of Business Black and
Gold Committee, May, 2007

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