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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Midterm Requirement

Class, I have already uploaded the file for your midterm requirements.
 Pass it on or before February 18, 2010. Submit the hard copy and e-mail a soft copy to

Here are the links:
List of Corporate Scandals
The Format

Instruction: With a partner, choose only one Corporate scandal and submit a written report.
The copy of the format is also uploaded.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Exam Pointers

Here are the pointers my dear students

Type of Exam
a. Identification
b. Spot the Difference
c. Enumeration
d. Essay

Topics include
a.) The Free-Market View and the Consumer-Protection View
b.) Opt in  and Opt out Policy
c.) Freedom from Intrusion and Surveillance
d.)Negative and Positive Rights
e.) Encryption and Cryptography
f.) Privacy
g.) Commandments of Computer Ethics
h.)Echelon and Carnivore

Good Luck and happy new year..

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Failing is never an option...

There two main reasons why computer system fails

a.) It is too difficult to do the job
b.) It is poorly done

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Quiz tomorrow for It 146A

Just study lessons from chapter 1 to 2..
5 items identification and 2 items essay...
2 pts. each for identification and 10 pts. each for essay..
Good Luck..

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Presentations for the chapter quiz on Monday and Tuesday

Kindly download the following presentation for your references for your chapter exams schedule.

Section A
Chapter 1

Presentations for Chapter will be uploaded later..naa pa ko klase...ahehe:-)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Student Code of Ethical Behavior

Promote Honesty and Integrity
  • Pursue academic goals with the highest standard of honesty and integrity while enhancing our personal reputations and that of the Lubar School of Business.
  • Take responsibility for our learning and hold ourselves accountable for our own actions.
  • Develop and covet integrity and ethical behavior in the classroom, on campus, and in the community while maintaining professionalism at all times.
Foster Respect and Team Work
  • Embrace common drive, purpose, and positive relationships among students, faculty, and staff.
  • Cultivate community and teamwork by respecting the    views of others.
  • Uphold the principle of fair play and be vigilant against conduct which has the intent, capability, or effect of being deceptive or dishonest.
Develop Leadership
  • Demonstrate exceptionally high moral and ethical standards for others to follow.
  • Foster the courage to confront all forms of unethical behavior.
  • Practice principles of continuous improvement in academics, interactions with others, and professional goals.

Copy from:
-Established by the Students of the
Sheldon B. Lubar School
of Business Black and
Gold Committee, May, 2007

Subject Requirements

Just click the following link to download the copy of subject outline including subject requirements
and schedule of reports...
